Pearl of Wisdom Monday July 25, 2011

Arlene’s Executive Leadership Training Tip

JoyThis week as part of your executive leadership training  I am going to talk about  joy,  the first of 10 aspects of positivity taken from the book “Positivity” by Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D.  It is definitely on my list of women leadership books for women and I suggest it should be on yours.  

My experience in business coaching for women has shown me that executives and business owners take little time for joy in their lives.  Picture yourself at a table with good friends feeling warm, secure and content.  This is joy.  When you are in this state your whole life feels more alive, light and clear.  The world seems brighter, your relationships feel balanced and your dreams seem more real and attainable.  You can cultivate joy  by making a decision to create it in your life and view it as an important quality to stay balanced and positive.  Simply become aware of when and where you are experiencing feelings of joy and then make it a point to put the activities that trigger these feelings in your life on a consistent daily basis. 

Have a wonderful week and put joy in your life.


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