Arlene Rosenberg Business Coaching: Get from Here… to There 10 Times Faster
Business coaching isn’t just about your business or career. It’s about your whole life.
So when Arlene asks you a probing question that sparks resistance, that’s a coaching moment.
“Arlene’s ability to set the stage for the members of a Coaching Group and guide them to trust each other, yet be frankly honest, is a rare gift. She artfully leads group discussions that uncover common themes of trials and tribulations that show up in our business and personal lives leading members to solution. This amazing process really does work!
Gina Cunnigham
Director of Development
Sun Health Foundation
You and your organization can coach with Arlene in one of two ways:
Organizational coaching is typically accomplished in both a group setting and one-on-one. Regardless of how open and trusting you believe your working environment to be, there are always things left unsaid, except in private. With Organizational Coaching, you will:
With Individuals: |
Month 1 |
Month 2 |
Month 3
Month 4
We’ll start with a “get to know each other” session using the DISC behavioral style assessment. We will work on identifying the areas of your life that are less than satisfactory, pinpoint your fears and negative thoughts and begin the process of substituting behaviors that promote ownership of the life and career results you want to create. |
You will continue working on “letting go” of your “comfort zones” which feed your self-limiting behaviors and learn how to empower yourself to attract the people, circumstances and situations that bring success to all areas of your life and be introduced to a solution oriented way of thinking that starts vision creation. |
Continue the process by writing down a full vision for your life including career and creating a plan to make it happen that will include milestones, goals, actions and due dates. |
Start the process of moving to your first milestone(if not already started with my full support making sure the actions you are taking work and lead you to your dreams and desires. |
For Organizations: |
Month 1 |
Month 2 |
Month 3
Privately interview key leaders to understand company vision, key issues, and desired results. Conduct or review individual behavior assessments to analyze strengths and areas for improvement. |
Conduct Mastermind group sessions to uncover, address, and resolve patterns, beliefs, or thinking that are interfering with the group’s success. Build on key group and individual strengths to create and implement new, positively focused strategies to achieve company or department goals. |
Coach select individuals privately to resolve concerns, create positive change, and solve complex personal and business problems. Continue Mastermind group sessions to resolve issues, if needed.
We identify specific actions and hold all individuals accountable for proceeding with their agree-upon actions either through completion or revision, as necessary.
Best of all, Coaching will save you thousands
Coaching reduces the cost of leadership or managerial training for any company. It accelerates the development of individual strengths and quickly transfers ownership from past to new leadership.
Since one-on-one coaching can be accomplished via the telephone, it offers companies (and busy executives) a lower-cost alternative to more traditional training formats that require major time and budget commitments.