Pearl of Wisdom, Monday September 5, 2011

Arlene’s Executive Leadership Tip

This week I will be talking about the feelings of hope as one of the 10 aspects of positivity that I use in business coaching for women.  I believe faith and hope are interchangeable.

An executive leadership training tip follows. We have a choice on how to use hope in our lives.  Hope allows us to feel we can achieve what we desire. It helps us move through our fears, indecision and doubt.

Unfortunately, many of us live and do our work in the “fantasy” of hope.  We never allow ourselves to create what we desire because our fears get in the way and block our hopes and dreams.  Women business owners and executives tend to give very little attention to eradicating their fears (a state of mind).  They prefer denial and resist recognizing that a lack of purpose, and the plans that come from knowing them, keeps them from financial, professional and personal success. 

An important way to face your fears Napoleon Hill tells us, is to “develop the habit of making prompt and firm DECISIONS. Once you develop a line of action (purpose and plans) we do not need to worry (fear) and can play out our hopes and dreams.

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