I’m On Empty
A few weeks ago I urged all of you to read the book, Real Love by Greg Baer. As an alternative, I also recommend Real Love in the Workplace. As many of you know I’ve been working on myself for the past 20+ years. I am receiving Real Love coaching and I want to become certified. I have also been participating in Real Love groups since April. This work has fulfilled what was missing in my life, and it is taking me and my work to new levels! In the weeks to come, I’ll share some of the things I’ve learned on my blog.
Greg’s work draws from many disciplines and models, but he drills it down to understanding one major concept. He tells us that in order to be happy “we must feel loved and be loving.” He defines love as“unconditional or imitation.” Most of us do not give or receive unconditional love because we mistake imitation love with unconditional love. All of us are experts at imitation love and the behaviors that go with it. Baer boils it down to five behaviors: “lying, attacking, acting like a victim, clinging and running.” For more detail, read one of the books I suggest above.
Moving from a place of using imitation love vs. real love is not as easy as it sounds. If you are frustrated with both personal and professional outcomes in your life, you may want to start asking yourself this am I feeling loved in this moment/today? Chances are you’re feeling pretty empty. You might say to yourself, I’m sitting here at work – how can I get a hug or just love?
The answer is reach out. Unconditional hugs can be given over the phone. Begin to make a list of people who can unconditionally love and be there for you unconditionally. It needs to be people who are working on themselves and understand that the call is about you, not them.
Are you interested in learning more about Real Love? Please email me or check out the Real Love website.