Archive for the ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ Category

Pearl of Wisdom, Monday May 23, 2011

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Thinking Big

Without vision we die!  Visions are simply a statement of possibility. This is the reason to think “Big” and get out of limitation thinking.  The bigger you think the more you will create in your life.  Commit to thinking big and learn how to do it by being consciously aware of your thoughts.  The bigger you think the better chance you have in creating what you truly desire.  All great leaders have had big visions and the ability to risk the actions that would manifest them

On June 9, I will be starting a coaching program that includes forming a mastermind with like-minded people.  You will learn how to think big and take risk. Please CLICK HERE to get all the details.

You don’t want to miss this opportunity, I know your life will be changed for the better with this experience.

Have a great week!

Pearl of Wisdom, Monday May 16, 2011

Monday, May 16th, 2011


Learning to truly believe you can have what you desire is difficult for most people.  It requires an expansion of consciousness and redefinition of habits, attitudes and beliefs.  The letting go of “old thinking” and ways of behaving, brings us fear and inner resistance.  Working with a coach or mentor can help you move through the discomfort of this stage and keep you motivated.  Taking professional and personal development classes and reading books on this subject will expand your knowledge and give you tools to work through the challenges of this major life change.  Form or join a support group of like minded people who will keep you encouraged.

On June 9, I will be starting a coaching program that includes forming a mastermind with like-minded people.  Please CLICK HERE to get all the details.

I know that if you join, your life will be changed for the better with this experience.

Have a great week!

Pearl of Wisdom, Monday May 9, 2011

Monday, May 9th, 2011

A Time for Resurrection

In light of this past week’s event around Bin Laden in Pakistan, I want to share a perspective that I share with my professional and personal development clients frequently.  First, I do not condone the celebration of killing anyone, no matter how evil the person or events may be.  I am happy, however, that as always good can come from a very bad situation.  This event helped many of us put closure on the terrible events of 9/11 and its effects, not only on our country, but our personal and collective psyches.  We can now resurrect ourselves and go forward confidently, knowing that we have the ability to create the kind of world we want to live in, just as we can nurture the seeds within us that manifest happiness and good in our lives. 

Have a great week!

Pearl of Wisdom, Monday May 2, 2011

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Watching the Royal Wedding this past weekend brought up the word “commitment” for me.  I realized that commitment in marriage parallels many aspects of our lives.  What drives commitment is our passion.  Passion bubbles up from deep within us and pushes us to commit to our desires, in life and love.  Many people have lost their ability to go inside, recognize their desires and find their true passions.  Instead they dance around them, but never allow themselves to truly discover and “be” them.  This commitment requires a great deal of soul searching and learning, to hear, or feel the inner urges that nudge you quietly and silently.  Without this ability, you cannot form the foundation of success in your endeavors.  All successful leaders know how to use their passions to support  their achievements and create desired results.

Pearl of Wisdom Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 25th, 2011

This past week I spent time with my two grandchildren in New York City.   What a treat!  When watching the 4 and 2.5 year old play, wearing my personal development coach hat, I observed how we build up our attitudes, habits and beliefs.  These children not only mimicked everything we did (positive and negative) but repeated it over and over to their toys, used it in their play and sang it in stories. They believed without a doubt what they were saying and creating.

What makes this important for us to know as adults?  It is a real live example of how we develop and learn affirmative and negative thinking.   These observations once again reaffirmed for me, that our brains can be trained by using repetitive affirmations.   The key is we need to believe our positive affirmations using the same type of innocence we used as children.  This process of becoming more conscious of new thinking and letting go of previous beliefs is very difficult. However, the more you work on practice believing the more you will grow in consciousness.

Monday April 18, 2011 Pearl of Wisdom

Monday, April 18th, 2011

There are periods when we feel very confused, for days and weeks, about the direction we are to take. Although it feels very uncomfortable, confusion is a good emotion.  This is because you are growing and integrating new habits, attitudes and beliefs.  When confused, we are letting go of the old thought systems, and opening the way to new attitudes and behaviors.  Be patient, and you will be pleased with the results.

Monday, April 11, 2011 Pearl of Wisdom

Monday, April 11th, 2011

Deepak Chopra tells us, our level of primary success in every area of our lives has everything to do with the degree of how much we love and accept ourselves.  After almost 20 years of business and executive coaching, I agree 100 percent. 

People chase success, and they spend thousands of dollars on themselves to be successful, and yet it is right in front of them.  When people love and accept themselves just as they are, and there is non-resistance to who they “be”, they can go forth and conquer the world.

Monday April 4th Pearl of Wisdom

Friday, April 8th, 2011

Qualities of a Successful Leader

Successful leaders are powerful creative people who are visionaries and highly focused.  Powerful people have the ability to be forward thinking.  They ask the “what if” and “why not” questions in a positive way.  Successful people are open to hearing and learning about new things—not closed minded.  Their thought systems are based on possibility thinking in all situations. Spend some time cultivating successful people this week and you will see what I mean.  Learn from them and develop the skills you need to succeed.

Monday March 28, 2011 Pearl of Wisdom

Monday, March 28th, 2011

Last week I talked about EQ (Emotional Intelligence being critical to the role of a leader).  One of the major qualities of EQ is “responding rather than reacting”.  It pains me to hear how many times my clients refer to their “bosses” as screamers.

A screamer is a “reactor” and an individual who does not know how to step back and take a pause before responding. Most of the time screaming is an unrecognized fear that is coming out in anger.  Leaders take the time to become self-aware by looking at their behaviors and feelings so they can stop blaming others.  They take responsibility for their actions.

For more information on Leadership check out my Standing Strong Blog.

Monday March 21 Pearl of Wisdom

Monday, March 21st, 2011

Welcome to the Monday March 21, Pearl of Wisdom. 

Whether you are an executive or entrepreneur, developing and honing your leadership skills is a requirement for getting to the “next level”.  A manager without Emotional Intelligence (EQ) skills cannot re-invent themselves into a leader.  EQ requires that in addition to great social skills you exhibit self awareness, control of your emotions and responding instead of reacting.  This is why so many managers, executives and entrepreneurs are turning to leadership and executive coaches to help guide them on this journey. 

Have a great week and remember to look for more detailed  information on the subject of EQ in my weekly Thursday blog.