January 3rd, 2011
“Some people stumble over the truth, pick themselves up, and go on their merry way as if nothing had happened at all.”
Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz
Please contemplate the quote above and create an intention for 2011 to become more conscious of, and focused on, the words you read, hear and experience every day.
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December 27th, 2010
Yesterday I saw a fun, frivolous movie (just what I needed). The best line of the entire movie was, “Get clear on what you want, and then ask for it.” It really dawned on me that most of us “think” we know what we want, but rarely is it our deepest desire and passion. Often, we allow ourselves to be influenced by others and their desires, or our inability to feel we deserve what we want. As a result, most of us have developed all kinds of excuses as to why we can’t ask for what we want.
My desire for this coming year, is to use my time more wisely, to become very clear on what I want and have need of. Then, go after it by asking for what I require, or the help I need to acquire it.
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December 21st, 2010
Are You Loving Yourself Enough?
Over the weekend, I received a wonderful book movie, “Oil for Your Lamp”. It is dedicated to women. In this season of light, I want to remind each of you that the way Women Stand Strong is by consistently working on loving and accepting themselves. I see the oil as a metaphor for love. The more we love ourselves the more we shine. It is much easier to love others when we love ourselves. Loving others means acceptance of people, no matter where they are on their journey.
Please watch this movie, you will love yourself more for taking the time to view it.
Happy holidays to all my followers. I wish you peace and love as you go forward in life.
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December 13th, 2010
Yesterday a client emailed to tell me that in “trying so hard during our session she gave herself a headache”. This is what I answered, “I understand”. It sounds like you need to work on letting go (easier said than done). We typically hold on very tight when we feel the need to be perfect and in control. One way to start “letting go” is to become aware of when you are “trying so hard”—check in with your body and emotions, see where you are tense and what you are feeling. Then concentrate on each specific area while taking three deep breaths and then say to yourself, “I relax my… (all the areas of your body that feel tense). Do this for each area. During this process, become aware of your feelings and say to yourself, “I’m letting go of my anger or fear of not being perfect (whatever the feelings) and allowing myself to relax and be in balance”.
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December 6th, 2010
Women who stand strong are able to graciously receive from others and ask for help when they need it. They know how to delegate and let go of the results as well as live in a state of gratitude. This doesn’t mean that they do not stay responsible. It means they are secure and confident enough to let others be themselves and appreciate them for their strengths and capabilities. As business women and mothers, they know how to appreciate themselves as well as coach others when they are having difficulty without micro-managing or controlling them.
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November 29th, 2010

We Create Our Worlds
Quantum physics has proven what Einstein, Napoleon Hill, Socrates, Thoreau, Walden and Wordsworth have told us in their research and writing. Our lives are created by our thoughts. As we think, we become. When we begin to understand this universal law and pay attention to what we are thinking , then our lives can change.
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November 25th, 2010
Take time over the long weekend to make a list of everything you are grateful for.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. May your day be stress free and full of gratitude and happiness.
Below is a poem written by George A Rosenberg, my spouse. Please enjoy it.
Thanksgiving Poem
By George A Rosenberg
The end of November is a time to remember
We give thanks and good cheer for the good times this year
Put your worries aside give a smile so wide
Say thanks for your turkey say bye to things murky
Drumsticks, stuffing, carrots, and such
Fill up your plate but don’t eat too much
Save room for the pie and also the thought
That all that has happened has not been for naught
We learn, we improve, and also we grow
Year end is approaching that much I know
So here’s a combined wish for all that can hear
Happy T-Day, C-Day, H-Day, K-Day, and a healthy New Year
George Rosenberg’s website is www.georgerosenberg.com
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November 23rd, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving
Written November 21, 2007 and Updated 2010
Gratitude for all we have is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others not just on holidays but all days
This year spend your Thanksgiving week thinking about how you can remain grateful in many ways
Make a list and include all the people, places and things that have brought you peace, fulfillment and happiness throughout your life
Remember to thank the universe for your greatest contenders, even though they cause you strife
In the future when you start to criticize, judge or shame, replace these thoughts with something nice
The more you can say thank you, rather than give advice
The more you will enjoy life’s spice
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,
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November 22nd, 2010
Women Who Stand Strong have learned to have gratitude for everything in their lives. They know it creates increase in unimaginable ways. So make a promise to yourself this week of Thanksgiving, to live from a place of constant gratitude.
You will find that gratitude and acceptance will help you through life’s difficult situations and create your dreams.
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November 18th, 2010
Early this morning as I was lying in bed thinking about my intentions for the day and the article for this month’s newsletter, I realized that lately everything has become about “selling”. When I go to networking events, I’m bombarded by people who want me to buy something. It’s rarely about just getting to know me and form closer relationships. Most people never seem to feel grateful for meeting me or for my attempts at getting to know them.
One out of every five e-mails is selling me a video, CD, SEO or something else I should buy that’s going to help me learn how to make tons of money. Since the “great” recession my leadership coaching clients have remarked, that they too feel constantly overwhelmed by this overanxious behavior while networking or attending conferences. It seems that so many of us have forgotten how to be grateful for what we do have in our fear of not having enough. People do not understand that the key to having all that you desire is grounded in “giving, receiving and being grateful”.
As I developed into a personal and professional development coach, I learned early on that “women who stand strong” know that being grateful and giving are the greatest emotions for invoking the law of increase. Appreciation is the great multiplier in this equation. The minute I understood that being selectively grateful really doesn’t work, I began shifting my thinking to being consistently grateful for everything that happened in my life, and things began to change significantly. It was only when I started consistently seeing the good in others and letting go of their insufficiencies that I personally became happier and started attracting more wealth and abundance into my life.
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