Are you truly creating the future you want?

It isn’t where you came from it’s where you’re going that counts.

                                                                        Ella Fitzgerald

Ella Fitzgerald has been a favorite of mine since I was a young teenager.  Her ability to imitate every instrument held me captured for hours.  Ella’s early years were rough and at the age of 15 she landed in a reformatory.  Despite all this, she became, “The First Lady of Song.” Ella maintained this title for half a century.

Research is proving that people who have difficulty succeeding are hanging on to past thinking, habits and attitudes.   Pushing people forward towards success in their lives and business is my passion.  As a Professional and Personal Development and Executive coach,  I have worked with and watched firsthand people who triumph over the barriers that keep them from succeeding. Each one found a way to let go of their emotions around past experiences.  They found a way that allows them to stop hanging onto their past.   Many of you know, this is not an easy task and requires hard, committed work.  Our ego minds work in a way that keeps us picturing and thinking of past experiences and pushing us to feel the emotions we felt at that time. One of it’s jobs, is to drive us back to the experience and explains why we hold onto the shame and pain we associate with certain experiences in our life, even though they are long past. 

I’ve learned through my clients and my own journey, that it is possible to let go of these old destructive thoughts and feelings.  The process I’ve used with my clients, business executives and entrepreneurs is arduous, but well worth it.  First, they become willing to let go of the excuse that this is touchy feely work.  Second, they recognize that facing what happened in the past, and the negative emotional attachment to these experiences is the key to making significant change in the way they think and act.   Slowly, they start to become aware that most of these reactions, emotions, and behaviors are not serving them anymore and are based on faulty, protective thinking.  Finally, they learn to accept these unwholesome reactions as part of the human condition and make peace with them, they start to respond differently and see significant change in their lives.   Ella Fitzgerald knew you had to “let go” and accept to create a new future.

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