Monday March 19, 2012 Pearl of Wisdom

While preparing for an upcoming workshop on Standing Strong: Claim Your Power, I found filed away this quote on change.

“We live in a time of paradox, contradiction, opportunity, and above all, change.

To the fearful, change is threatening because they worry that things may get worse.

To the hopeful, change is encouraging because they feel things may get better.

To those who have confidence in themselves, change is a stimulus because they believe one person can make a difference and influence what goes on around them.”

- Buck Rogers, IBM

Claiming your power is all about confidence.  If you hold a healthy sense of self-worth then you have a healthy self-esteem or a high level of self-confidence. How much you value yourself as a person and the way you look at the world and your place in it are influenced by how important you think you are.

Having a healthy self-esteem will reveal to you that you have the competence to cope with the challenges that life throws at you. The more you exhibit this competence the more self-esteem you will create

Next week we will talk about the tools that help build power and confidence.

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