Monday April 16, 2012 Pearl of Wisdom

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off!

Some of you may have noticed that in the last two weeks there were no Monday morning Pearls in your Inbox.  Life just became too hectic and something had to give.  This time it was the “Pearls.” I’m happy to say that one of the reasons for the missing “Pearls” was I spent time in Louisville, Kentucky doing two workshops on Women Standing Strong and claiming their power.  It was a delightful experience and very successful!

More and more I’m realizing that if we want our lives to be more peaceful and in balance, the foundation for Standing Strong, we must recognize that the change has to start with us.   The two workshops once again made me aware that most executive working women, including myself, are into excessive “doing” and very little “being” with themselves.   These workshops do just that—help push the attendees to “be” for the day by discovering their triggers and working on learning tools that will teach them to pay more attention to themselves.  When we are lost in the “doing” we lose a sense of consciousness, which creates an inner sense of dis-ease. This may manifest in feelings of loneliness, anger, exhaustion and illness and become intensified when things are not going well.  In the end it prevents us from being more productive and successful.

How do we stop the “merry go round” we all live on?  Eckhart Tolle, one of the most respected spiritual leaders of the modern world, tells us “there are two dimensions to who we are.  Beyond, the dimension of form—which is thinking, doing, sense perception and the physical body—there is a dimension that is totally missed…it is the dimension that can provide balance.”  Tolle calls it “being.”  It’s the time when you quiet your mind and live in the stillness.

I agree with Tolle that this time alone with ourselves can bring about the balance and peace we are all looking for.  If you are connected with yourself then you become peaceful – and when this happens you can bring it out to the world and whatever is meaningful for you.  You become a light in the world.

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